伊原企販 Ihara-kihan

市場の多様化、お客様ニーズの細かさ、そして低価格な外国製品との競合などさまざまな厳しい状況のなかで、 日々商品開発にあたっての難しさを実感させられています。
しかし、このような時代であるからこそ私どもは企画・開発に切磋琢磨し、そしてそれがお客様に認められたときに初めて企業価値を見出せると信じ、 1年365日いろいろなアイデアを考え続けています。

Our company has been in business for many years mainly in the planning, manufacturing and sales of plastic daily necessities and creative products.
In the face of various harsh conditions such as diversification of the market, detailed customer needs, and competition with low-priced foreign products, we are made aware of the difficulty of product development on a daily basis.
However, it is precisely because we live in this era that we work hard in planning and development, and we believe that we can discover corporate value only when our efforts are recognized by our customers, so we keep thinking about various ideas 365 days a year.


  1. 宮崎製作所 Miyazaki

  2. ヤマキイカイ YAMAKIIKAI

  3. 惣太窯 Soutakama

  4. 東和産業 TOWA

  5. タイガークラウン Tigercrown

  6. 土佐龍 Tosaryu
